Health related fitness should always be the focus for everyone, even top sports people, rather than the more narrow aim of fitness.
If people paused to think, many would realise that they participate in exercise, workouts etc to achieve or attain something. Fitness, endurance, etc is a means to an end. That purpose can range from improving quality of life, completing daily tasks without tiredness or strain to competing at the highest level of sport.
If short term payoffs or improvements are prioritised, a price will be paid later on. This could be physical or mental. There are many stories of athletes etc whose health has suffered after retiring and sometimes being forced to retire.
Fitness is a journey rather than a short term destination and there are several factors which help in maintaining health whilst pursuing your fitness goal.
1) Diet and Nutrition - progress can be greatly assisted or impeded depending on the type of food and liquids taken in.
2) Training Workout - people should be aware of the dangers of going too far and/or too fast. The human body can adapt to training stimuli in amazing ways but over training and overuse injuries are always ready to appear if the limits are pushed too far/soon. Quality takes precedence over quantity.
3) Rest and Recovery - progress is measured by results rather than input or effort. It is stimulated on the field or in the workout but it is built away from those areas.
4) Correct Technique - failure to workout or practise properly can produce injuries which temporarily halt progress at best and at worst end careers or be life changing.
5) Use It or Lose It - doing something is better than doing nothing. As the years pass quality of life and health related fitness can be maintained very easily if activities which stimulate the heart, lungs, joints, muscles etc are regularly followed. These can be simple things like walking, basic flexibility routines.
Health related fitness is within everyone's grasp provided the above guidelines are followed and common sense is applied.
Make haste slowly, take your training or workout seriously but then focus on enjoying your life and relationships
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Initially the focus will be on general information which should assist with achieving results regardless of the approach you take in working out.
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