Full Body Workouts


Full Body Workouts are just one way of designing a workout routine. They all have pros and cons and whether this type of workout is for you will depend on such factors as

  • Training goal and individual workout objective
  • Personal preference
  • Time available


These types of workouts involve training most/all the main natural movement types and muscle groups. 

The workout would be split into major and minor movements / muscle groups. The focus would primarily be on the major elements and if time, energy and desire permitted the minor areas would be addressed. If time etc did not permit the latter, a productive workout would have been completed with most of the benefits obtained.


The reasons to perform such workouts are

  • 80/20 Rule - the maximum amount of muscle mass and movement practice is trained in the time available. If training is severely interrupted, performing one workout program per week will at least maintain the current status and possibly continue progress (even if at a slower pace).  
  • Hormone secretion - health and strength / muscle promoting hormones are released in proportion to the amount of muscle mass stimulated.
  • Multi-objective - greater energy demands will be placed on the body so with appropriate design, cardiovascular fitness can be improved.


1) Approach 

a) Natural Body Movements

  • Upper Body Horizontal - pushing & pulling 
  • Upper Body Vertical     - pushing & pulling
  • Lower Body Horizontal - running, walking
  • Lower Body Vertical     - standing up, picking objects off the ground

b) Muscle Groups

i) Major/Primary

  • Front Torso - Chest, Shoulders
  • Back Torso  - Back, Shoulders
  • Arms - Upper arms (front & Back)
  • Upper Legs - Thighs (front & Back)
  • Hips - Buttocks & Hip Flexors
  • Core

ii) Minor/Secondary

  • Neck
  • Lower Arms - forearms, wrist/hand
  • Lower Legs - Calves etc
  • Facial - the face contains a very high number of muscles allowing gestures and reactions. Ageing through lack of exercise shows in the face as with any other body part

There is a high degree of overlap between a workout using a movement approach or one based on muscle groups. There are differences however. The former may not fully train the minor muscles and if desired, a conscious decision to include them will be necessary. The latter is often associated with bodybuilding. If that is your objective you will receive results but care is needed to ensure the workouts also ensure the body moves in a natural fashion. 

2) Equipment

Overall the equipment used is independent of the approach chosen in section 1. Full body workouts are feasible without using weights (whether it is for strength, muscle, fitness etc)

3) Workout Location

Full body workouts can be performed anywhere. The exact location will be affected by the training goal, preferences etc. For example, a powerlifting routine is essentially a full body workout. Its emphasis on the 3 barbell lifts (squat, deadlift & bench press) means most people will have to train in a gym.

There is a link between workout location and the best exercise equipment associated with it.

4) Exercises & Sequence

In time a detailed section on exercises will be written.

a) Movements approach - compound multi-joint exercises

  • Upper Horizontal - push ups / bench press       rows (bent over / inverted)
  • Upper Vertical - o/head press/handstand push up/dips pull up/cable pulldown
  • Lower Horizontal - sprinting, hip thrust, bridge
  • Lower Vertical - squat, picking item off floor e.g. deadlift

If time or preference dictates, the workout could be condensed to comprise

  • 1 lower body
  • 1 upper body pushing
  • 1 upper body pulling

the omitted movements could be utilised in the following workout.

b) Muscle Groups approach - the exercises would be

  • Compound - corresponding to pushing/pulling/horizontal/vertical above
  • Isolation - bodybuilding type exercises focusing on a single muscle

5) When - frequency & time of day

Ideally the workouts should be performed x3 per week. The time of day will depend on work/family commitments and individual energy levels.


Full body workouts should be sampled by people wishing/needing to

  • minimise the time spent working out
  • maximise the effect on the body for a given amount of training time

If there is a specific wish/need to develop a particular movement or muscle group then split routines could be attempted. 

It would be beneficial to follow both types of workout for several weeks to determine which way would best apply to you. 

A mixed strategy might provide you with the best approach. Rotating the 2 types of routine would supply overall stimulation and increased volume/practise.

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Site under construction - apologies for any gaps or apparent inconsistencies. In time as more information is added the whole site should "hang together".

Initially the focus will be on general information which should assist with achieving results regardless of the approach you take in working out.

Later I will provide more detailed information.


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