The  Best Cardio Workout


The information concerning the best cardio workout on this page is primarily intended to for the general public. The majority of people who want to

  • "Get fit"
  • Improve health
  • Obtain a high level of conditioning

Although specifically designed programs would be required for

  • Full time sports participants
  • People with a very tightly focused objective

these groups would still experience improvements in their general conditioning by implementing the workout ideas presented here. As an example, endurance runners should experience an increase in sprinting speed. This could make the difference as the finishing line draws nearer.

The information below has the overriding aims in the

  • Short term - to obtain the maximum improvements in cardiovascular fitness for the time and effort possible/desired.
  • Medium to Long term - to maintain health and quality of life and avoid wear and tear on body tissues, especially joints. Younger people may give little attention to the future but the years do roll by.


Cardio refers to exercise which aims to develop the cardiovascular system (CVS). This essentially is the heart and lungs and consists of

  • Aerobic system - oxygen is used to sustain prolonged lower intense activities such as endurance running.
  • Anaerobic system - energy stored within the muscles is used to fuel short, high intensive activities such as sprinting and resistance training. The energy comprises high energy phosphates (ATP - adenosine phosphate & CP - creatine phosphate) and glycogen (stored glucose). 

I believe the best cardio workout which will achieve the short and medium/long term objectives stated above is to place most focus on the anaerobic system.

My reasons are

  • Research has shown that improving anaerobic fitness has the added benefit of also improving aerobic fitness. The reverse is not true, i.e. improving aerobic fitness does not improve anaerobic fitness.
  • The relatively short time spent on the workout / exercise means much less overall stress is placed on body e.g. tendons, ligaments, joints etc.
  • Recent studies indicate that prolonged aerobic training done over the medium to long term has negative effects on such things as lean mass and hormones.

The main parameters involved in formulating the best cardio workout are

1) Interval pattern - this is the pattern of work and rest. Beginners should commence with short work intervals and longer rest intervals. As the body becomes accustomed to working harder the former can be increased and the latter decreased. 

2) Type of activity - examples are :

  • Walking - for some people this will be the best starting point. As fitness improves, progression to uphill walking of incresasing steepness can be made.
  • Sprinting - level or uphill.
  • Swimming - in a sprinting / rest pattern rather than the more usual long continuous exercise.
  • Resistance Training (Bodyweight or Weights) - the intensive effort (relative to your current status) improves cardiovascular fitness in addition to strengthening muscle, tendons etc. The most usual way weights are used to improve the CVS is via circuit training involving a rotating sequence of exercises performed for a number of "circuits". The speed of movement will depend on the weight used but both heavy/slower and moderate/faster patterns will both improve conditioning.  
  • Combinations of the above - levels attainable in any one area may be reduced but there would be an increase in the number of areas in which a person could perform reasonably well whilst developing a more balanced / "rounded" CVS.

3) Total amount / time of effort - the definition of this depends on the type of cardio workout (s).

  • Walking - time
  • Sprinting & Swimming - number of times the prescribed distance is completed
  • Resistance / Weight Training - number of repetitions total and repetition/set makeup.

4) Intensity - this refers to the degree of difficulty / effort in the work section of the interval. The general guideline of

  • Initially - start at a level which is lower than you think you are at.
  • Progression - the rate at which these progressions are made depends on the individual. As the current level begins to become easier, there are 2 main ways to progress.
  1. Small steady increases - progress between workouts will not always be possible but the trend will often be reasonably smooth with a low upward line
  2. Larger increases - this approach is best applied by adding a short consolidation period (2-3 additional occasions) at the current level before moving to the next level. Although this approach will probably produce a steeper trend upwards, the line will be less smooth than that in No 1. The body does not always respond in a linear manner.


The most common answers to questions of where cardio should be performed would probably be

  • Dance studios - aerobics or dance classes
  • Treadmill & stationery bike areas in gyms
  • Jogging outdoors

The information offered on this page means that best cardio workout can be done wherever any other type of workout can be performed.


The main options are

  • On days off from any other workouts
  • Same day as but post resistance training if strength etc is the main goal
  • In a rotating circuit with strength and/or muscle based resistance workout
  • Morning, lunchtime, after work

The crucial thing

is to adopt a pattern which fits in with your lifestyle and which you will be able and willing to sustain. 

Even if you can only spare 15-20 minutes. the suggestions here can produce a very effective cardio workout, provided

  • care is taken to start at a low level
  • progress only when you feel your body is capable of being nudged to the next level.


The traditional types of cardio equipment (treadmill etc) are compatible with the suggestions made here.

They should be used in an anerobic/interval based manner rather than a prolonged moderate paced one. The list of workout equipment which enables best results is actually much wider than possible in the traditional approach. Most peoples' preferences will probably be covered.


1) Nature of the best cardio workout

Aside from sport specific requirements e.g. long distance running or swimming 

Short, intensive (for you) workouts provide the most return of aerobic and anaerobic fitness

  • For the time & effort invested.
  • In much less time 
  • With far less wear and tear on joints etc.

Listen to your body, nudge it to higher levels of CV fitness rather than forcing it before it is ready.

Forcing could possibly produce injury which will ultimately slow your overall progress.

2) Real Life

The majority of life's tasks comprise sustained low intensity activities  eg walking, household chores. The heart is capable of pumping  24/7 for a lifetime. For most people this is more than enough endurance for these activities.

Occasionally there is a need for short high intensity bursts of activities. This requires the body to jump from a low gear to the highest very quickly e.g.

  • rushing across a road to avoid vehicles or catch a bus
  • picking up and/or carrying something heavy for a short distance
  • the ultimate example would be having to defend yourself against an attack. These events are intensely violent and if lasting more than a few moments, require extreme anaerobic capacity if one is to survive.

It seems sensible to workout in a way which

  • improves the ability to frequently make this jump from low to high intensity. 
  • increases the headroom/buffer of the CVS to cope with emergencies.
  • provides the addiitonal benefit of improving general health and maintains quality of life for a longer period

It would also make sense to combine the workout parameters in a way that the body becomes accustomed to performing activities which required high levels of both conditioning and strenuous effort (i.e. work capacity).

An example would be to carry out heavy work whilst in a fatigued state.

My view of the best cardio workout is

1) Via a circuit of

  • Strength / Muscle based resistance training (with the added side benefit of also training the CVS).
  • Fast, moderate weight, whole body resistance training - aimed specifically at increasing anaerobic conditioning.

2) Usually in a Fasted State shortly after waking up - this is is optional but research has suggested that combining this with short intensive anaerobic workouts produces even greater health and training benefits. Previously the thought of early morning workouts was alien to me but circumstances dictated the change. I was pleasantly surprised at how soon the necessity became a habit and then my preferred option.

Some people believe that frequent fasted training is counter productive to progress. Therefore this is an area in which you must decide for yourself.

By my view of the best cardio workout my aim is to be

  • Efficient in time and effort
  • Effective in improving all aspects of the CVS
  • Comprehensive and balanced by simultaneously improving strength, mobility etc). That is, to be able to continue doing difficult tasks whilst in a fatigued state 
  • Relevant to everyday life

I realise that you may disagree or wish to apply this information slightly differently.

My main hope is that it provokes thought and assessment, even if your conclusions are to continue your current regime.

Whatever path you follow, remember to strive to

  • avoid injury.
  • Listen to your body - in the words of a successful bodybuilder         "stimulate, don't annihilate"

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Site under construction - apologies for any gaps or apparent inconsistencies. In time as more information is added the whole site should "hang together".

Initially the focus will be on general information which should assist with achieving results regardless of the approach you take in working out.

Later I will provide more detailed information.


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